What does life look like for this artist and life model in 2021?

Posted by on Aug 15, 2021 in Blog | 0 comments

A watercolour image of a woman sitting on a yellow chair wearing an old fashioned looking green dress. The bottom half of her face is obscured by a decorative hand held fan.

I’ve been updating this site a little.

While updating my site I might as well update my blog. Last time I wrote it was 2018. So. What does life look like at the moment?

Its so interesting that my last post on here was about attending my first ever life drawing class. That was three years ago! Time is fake. Anyway attached to one of those Stable Art Events nude life drawing sessions – one day a model dropped out at the last minute and the facilitator asked me if I could step in to model in her place; I did.

In the years following I did some more modelling gigs for a few different groups. Some were costumed, others were nude. It was just a little bit of freelance work here and there.

Earlier this year I started working with Brisbane Artist Models – Leeton Agency. The work has become more regular.

Art modelling has a lengthy history and I am happy to do it. It is a physical job. It can be surprisingly difficult to hold still while maintaining dynamic poses. I have become familiar with the feeling of sweat dripping down my body while I have to maintain the pose. Sometimes I’ll try to hold too dynamic a pose for too long and then I need to try and avoid the shakes which show that I’ve overextended myself.
The job is to facilitate the work of artists. It helps to be a creative person yourself; to know the sorts of things artists are looking for. Some people can get quite romantic speaking of muses and inspiration. One client thanked me for taking up this divine work.
I’m not all that romantic about it myself, but, I try to be good at it.

Modelling in Brisbane, Australia, 2021 has its own unique issues. Lockdowns can mean all your gigs get cancelled. Gigs can be cancelled when there are mask mandates as well. As a general rule, most places I’ve been working do not want me to wear my mask, for some fairly obvious reasons. Artists want to draw the unobscured face. I don’t think all too many artists are keen on wearing the masks during the 2-3 hour long sessions either. I keep on top of the current mask rules. When am I mandated to wear it? My last job was in Aged Care. I’m inclined to take things seriously. Sometimes I get in uncomfortable situations where I want to comply with the mask mandates, and the facilitator of the session does not want me to. Currently there is a mask mandate on.
Not all places are the same and some and take covid requirements quite seriously. I’m going to be starting my own costumed modelling sessions at The Half Dozen Group and they’re a venue that takes covid seriously.

The featured image in this post was created by a woman named Edna at the Half Dozen Group during a mask mandate. To hide the mask I used a decorative fan to cover my face.

I personally kind of love it when I see images of the artists models in masks. It shows a very unique point in our history, and there’s something so compelling about them to me. I think they’re great.

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